The United States is well known for its beautiful and diverse scenery and landscapes. Made up of towering mountain peaks, sprawling prairie grasslands, ancient forests, arctic tundras, rivers and valleys, the U.S. is a land that all Americans can be proud of. It is the diversity and beauty of American soil, as rich and diverse as the people that live here, that brought all of us here in the first place.

$1 Front

$1 Front

$1 Back

$1 Back
Based on my love to explore the outdoors and travel the United States, I designed a series of banknotes through which I hope to evoke a sense of pride in our country and its National Parks, and what they have to offer.
I decided to designate each banknote in my currency system, consisting of the $1 bill, $5 bill, and $20 bill, to one of the first three established U.S. National Parks. The first three National Parks are as follows, Yellowstone (1872), Sequoia (1890), and Yosemite (1890).

$5 Front

$5 Front

$5 Back

$5 Back
The front of each banknote showcases the landscape that each National Park is known for, and the back of each banknote features a different animal and plant or flower that is unique to the park in which they are found.
The rougher textured design applied to the dominant colors on each note ensures that these banknotes will be hard to reproduce, and thus secure.

$20 Front

$20 Front

$20 Back

$20 Back

Currency System Front